1. Open access
Pressure Vessel Technology is an open access journal. All published works use the Creative Commons license, which allows third-party users to share in the form of CC BY-NC-ND. Once the manuscript is accepted, it can be made public. All published works in this journal can be permanently obtained for free on the website of CQVIP(https://www.cqvip.com/journal/13128/13128) and the official website of National Engineering and Technology Digital Library(https://netl.istic.ac.cn/site/objdata/2F54B3A514A34193AB662FE41DEAE1D1/ylrq). Allow users to retrieve and link to the full text of the article, and allow users to read, download, copy, print, or use it for other legitimate purposes for free. When using works in this journal, the author’s signature must be retained. The use is limited to non-commercial purposes and no deductive creation is allowed. It must also indicate that the work has been published in this journal, as well as the volume, issue, page number, and other information published.
2. Archive
All published works of Pressure Vessel Technology have been digitized and archived, and can be searched and downloaded on the journal website. The paper and electronic versions of each issue are archived in the editorial department. To ensure data security, all information has also been backed up in the editorial department. This journal has been included by China National Knowledge Infrastructure,Wanfang Data,CQVIP and National Engineering and Technology Digital Library. If the journal is no longer published, published works can be retrieved and downloaded from these two databases.